
What is Invisalign?

More than 1 million cases of misaligned teeth come up in India every year. Misaligned teeth are one of the root cause of further dental problems and overall hygiene of the oral cavity. It is also not hidden fact that majority of the people feel self-consious due to severe misalignment of their teeth.

Dental Aligners Treatment in Ahmedabad

Gratefully, we have a remarkable solution to this – INVISALIGN/ALIGNERS. This solution gives advanced approach to the conventional problem of misaligned teeth and cuts the barrier of thick metal braces.

Our clinic’s best orthodontist gives 100% solutions to all dental problems! Orthodontics is a dental specialty that focuses on diagnosing, treating, and preventing dental & jaw irregularities using tools like braces and aligners to enhance appearance and oral health.

Dental Aligners treatment in ahmedabad

How Does Invisalign Work?

  • Invisalign are custom made trays of patent thermoplastic material for patients with crooked teeth that apply pressure on your teeth which helps to slowly and steadily move your teeth towards ideal and desired position.
  • Patient gets a set of custom trays which you have to wear for atleast 22 hours a day which you have to change at certain time interval as per the doctor’s instructions.
  • Patient will have to vist our clinic every 4-6 weeks and result will appear in just a week!

Answers to the questions that might arise in your mind

  • Is Invisalign better than braces?

Both Invisalign and braces have some function of straightening your teeth, however invisalign require cooperation with dentist and self discipline to wear them regularly.

  • How long do I have to wear invisalign?

The treatment duration through invisalign may vary from patient to patient depending upon the crookedness of teeth. Roughly it may last anywhere near 12 months to 24 months.

  • Can I eat and drink while wearing invisalign?

Invisalign is a removable tray that needs to be removed only when you eat or drink. Hot beverages are prefered after removing trays; however one might drink cold beverages through straw while wearing invisalign.

Why see an orthodontist in ahmedabad?

  • Orthodontic care can improve a person’s overall well-being bite, and smile
  • Orthodontic care can help with breathing, speech, & chewing difficulties
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